Thursday, June 5, 2008

My list

I suppose you must be getting really tired of me posting so much! Argh! How annoying. Well, I plan on keeping it up unless something drastically changes my plans.

Here is my list of great things for today:

1. push up and sit ups (but not too many)
2. on-line books (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)
3. kind customers
4. adorable little kids...who might just be accelerated readers
5. a mom who is willing to spend quite a bit of time helping me with wedding invitations

and I can't stop there today

6. a delicious dinner ready when I return home from work

and extremely amazingly
7. a family to welcome me when I come in

and one more.
8. the promise of a new family who will be welcoming me and for me to welcome in a month and a half = )

Thanks for keeping up with me...

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